Friday, March 19, 2010

Tonite I'm not taking no calls cuz I'll be dancing!

Lady Gaga is amazing, I think this is well known. I am sure everyone has seen the "Telephone" video by now, but I am still not tired of talking about it! While "Paparazzi" is still my favorite video of Gaga's I LOVE "Telephone". At first I questioned if Beyonce really fit in all that well, I did come to love her in it though. I think she has a lot of fun with Gaga. They both came off really cute and BITCHY!! I love it.

Studded jacket is by Search and Destroy. I loved this scene, (I will be copying the Diet Coke cans in hair). Studded jackets are hot, but sometimes can be expected. I think this one fit her very well, and came off tough as shit, but sexy.
The scene in the diner was kind of funny :). I love how Gaga is making a trend of poisioning people. Did anyone notice the Great Dane she has in most of her videos is shown dead too? I have to laugh at that because it is insane! Gaga's outfit is by The Haus of Gaga, boots by Christian Louboutin. B's outfit is by Oscar Olima. I don't think I have EVER even liked American flag inspired clothing, but I think I am obsessed with these. LOVE!
Check out the video! If you've seen again!~!!!

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